
(NaturalNews) For the past several years, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been actively promoting the shingles vaccine as the solution to what some experts say is a building shingles epidemic. But a new study published in the German medical journal Der Hautarzt, or "The Dermatologist" in English, has revealed that the childhood vaccine for chicken pox, a common viral disease related to shingles, may actually be directly responsible for triggering this epidemic.

Dangers of Fluoride
By Fluoride Action Network
On January 25, 1945, Grand Rapids citizens became the first human guinea pigs to see what would happen to them when their water supply had untested sodium fluoride chemicals added. The experiment failed; but politics pushed it ahead, anyway. Politics, appeal to authority and slick expensive PR keeps fluoridation alive today even though science says it is ineffective at reducing tooth decay, harmful to health and a massive waste of money. New York – January 25, 2013 -- Sixty-eight years ago while experimental trials were still underway, public water supplies were dosed with fluoride chemicals promising to safely reduce tooth decay, put dentists out of business and save millions of dollars on dental care. Current science tells us none of that came to pass; but fluoridation is still celebrated as if it did, reports the Fluoride Action Network (FAN).

Paul Connett, PhD, FAN Executive Director says, "The fluoridation experiment has been an abject failure. Public health officials have abandoned their duty to protect health and have forfeited their integrity by ignoring growing science showing fluoride has the potential to harm health.

Here’s some of what’s occurred since 1945:


Brussels: The European Commission has decided to freeze the approval process for genetically modified food crops through the end of its mandate next year while it works towards an agreement with EU member states.

“The Commission, if it wants, could launch a procedure to authorise the farming of one GM soya and six corn strains… but it won’t do so,” said Frederic Vincent, a spokesman for Health Commissioner Tonio Borg.

“The authorisations for farming are frozen,” he added.

Vincent said the priority of Borg, who only recently took up the post of health commissioner, was to relaunch discussions with member states.

By Christina England from Vactruth.com
On December 20, 2012, a vaccination tragedy hit the small village of Gouro, located in northern Chad, Africa. According to the newspaper La Voix, out of five hundred children who received the new meningitis vaccine MenAfriVac, at least 40 of them between the ages of 7 and 18 have become paralyzed. Those children also suffered hallucinations and convulsions.

Since this report, the true extent of this tragedy is coming to light, as parents of these vaccinated children have reported yet more injuries. The authorities in the area are shaken, as citizens set fire to a sanitary administration vehicle in a demonstration of their frustration and anger at the government’s negligence.

(NaturalNews) The case against gluten seems to have been closed with recent research from a Brazilian research team that published a report in the January 2013 Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. It seems to have put an exclamation point on the wheat belly controversy.

Lacking scientific data confirming the mechanics of how gluten may or may not affect obesity, the study was set up to examine the differences in specific genetic and biochemical markers between rats fed gluten and rats that were kept gluten free.
The "wheat belly" syndrome and how it leads to other health issues was the purpose of their research. The research team chose biological markers that could indicate the onset of obesity and metabolic syndrome, precursors to diabetes and cardiac issues.

Both groups of rats were fed high fat diets. But one group was gluten free and the other group's diet was 4.5 percent gluten. Even without tracing their predetermined markers, it was obvious the gluten free mice exhibited weight loss without any trace of lipid (fat) excretion.

Learn more http://www.naturalnews.com/038699_gluten_weight_gain_wheat_belly.html#ixzz2IICmIdG6


Would you be surprised to learn that vaccine makers are among their corporate donors? And that their recommendations influence the FDA?

In 1999, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), together with the US Public Health Service, jointly recommended that thimerosal, a vaccine preservative that contains mercury, should be removed from vaccines. In response, the FDA removed thimerosal, or limited it to trace amounts, in all vaccines except flu shots. Now the AAP has reversed itself and says it wants the mercury left in.