Breastfeeding is crucial for your child
Unfortunately, many mothers think that it is enough to breastfeed her child the first month or two, then you can move on to formula. I just want to shout to these mothers not to do it. No artificial formula will be able to replace breast milk or imitate its composition or taste, nor can it offer the psycho-emotional security every child experiences while breastfeeding. When a mother puts the baby to her chest, the baby feels completely secure and happy.  Mother and child become one.   Children who are breastfed for a long time are much closer to their mothers when they grown up, not to mention the fact that they get sick less. Even if the baby is not able to properly latch, it is still possible to pump and give it to the baby. No artificial formula can give you these tremendous health benefits.

Breast milk contains not only all the necessary nutrients for a child, but also a large number of biologically active compounds and protective factors (enzymes, hormones, immunoglobulins and lactoferrin, etc.). The composition of the milk changes with the growth of the baby. It starts with colostrum, a few drops of which is enough to feed a newborn, then comes a transitional milk, and finally Mature milk. The composition of the milk changes even during the day. A big misconception in our modern society is the idea that the baby is in need of breast milk only for the first couple of months. According to the World Health Organization,  a child should be breastfed up to 2 years of age.  Contrary to a common belief, even after six months, a  child requires all the biologically active substances and the balanced nutrients contained in breast milk. A child is also in need of skin to skin bonding with their mother.

  Breast milk does change its composition, adapting to the needs of the child. A number of immunoglobulins grow and accumulate in the body and protect the child even after weaning from the breast.  Immunoglobulins cover the mucous membrane of the intestine, making it inaccessible to pathogenic bacteria. The fat content of breast milk after a year increases 2-3 times. It contains substances which can not be obtained from food- hormones, immunoglobulins and lipids (fatty acids) are working for the development of the brain, nervous system, and strong immunity.
Additionally, the nutrients in breast milk are absorbed almost completely and without much effort by the child or any damage to his enzyme systems. If You pay attention to the trace elements we can see that the amount of iron, for example, is less in human milk than in artificial mixtures, but it is absorbed completely and there is no need to increase the quantity of it.

I hope this will change your mind if you are contemplating when you should stop breastfeeding.  Don't follow the advice of our modern day media, after all, billions of dollars are being made by formula companies. The result - a unhealthy nation with allergies and diseases like never before. Remember, your child's health is in your hands!

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